Data Rescue Tracker - Download Submission Form

This form is for submitting information on ongoing or finished downloads of public government datasets to the Data Rescue Tracker. Please do not use this form to nominate datasets for downloading at this time. The purpose of this tool is to catalog existing data rescue efforts in an attempt to limit dataset duplicates and increase the effectiveness of our collective effort. In other words, we want to know what data has been downloaded or is in the process of being downloaded, who downloaded it, and where it is being stored. Before submitting, please refer to the Downloads list at to ensure that the specific dataset download has not already been listed. Please remember that the Data Rescue Tracker is intended and designed for public government datasets only—it does not and will not contain any kinds of restricted data. All submissions will be reviewed by trusted data professionals before being published in the Data Rescue Tracker.

Dataset name
Name of the government dataset which is being downloaded
Dataset URL
Original URL of the government dataset. Please be precise as possible and do not submit landing pages of website. The End-of-Terms Archive and others have done extensive web archiving already. We want to capture individual datasets.
Government website subdomain
Website of the government organization which has hosted this dataset. If the dataset was hosted on a subdomain of a government website, e.g., select that subdomain here and not the root domain, e.g. This will help us differentiate separate departments, institutes or bureaus which might be part of larger government organisations.
Dataset description
Please describe the contents of the dataset in a succinct and comprehensive way.
Download status
Is the download still ongoing or has it already finished?
In progress
Download location URL
Has the download of the dataset been publicly made available somwehre on the internet alraedy, for example in a data repository of a maintainer organization? Then please put the precise link to the downloaded dataset here.
Download size (GB)
The amount of Gigabytes captured in this download. You can use decimal points if the size is less than 1GB and you can leave the field blank if the download size is unknown.
Download date
The date the download was started.
File types
The major file types contained in this download.
Maintainer name
Who has downloaded the dataset? Enter the name of the organization or individual here. You can check our existing list of maintainers here: Please make sure that the maintainer wants this information to be public. If you are unsure, ask them first before you submit their information.
Maintainer website
If the downloader of the dataset has a website, please put the link here.
Maintainer email
If the download maintainer has a contact email they are comfortable sharing with us, please enter it here.
Do you have any additional information or comments you would like to share with us about this particular download of the dataset? Please enter them here.
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